Russian Fishing

Russian Fishing
バージョン: 1.3.1
日付のアップロード: 2 Feb 17
開発者: PageNet
ライセンス: 無料
人気: 36512
サイズ: 268 Kb

Rating: 2.2/5 (Total Votes: 377)

Russian Fishing フィッシングシミュレーターであり、本物の釣り合ったポジティブな側面を欠点なく提供します。


Choose a spot for fishing, cast your rod and… feel the first bite.
Use your fishing skills, make sure that your fishing line does not break and the fish does not get off the hook!
You don’t have to take pictures of the fish you catch to show it off to your friends.
The only thing you have to do is simply add the data on your catch to the online statistics, where you can compete with other fishermen.
View photos of the trophy fish, change the worn tackle in time!
And remember that to haul out a huge sheatfish, you need appropriate gear that you can purchase in the shop after selling your catch.


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へのコメント Russian Fishing

1 注釈
  • Deepak 6 Oct 18